As Coach explains in the 2nd edition of Whole Brain Teaching for Challenging Kids, the Scoreboard is now Turtle vs Hawk. Here is the update Scorecounter link with grumpy Emo https://bit.ly/4dYXV0y or with happy Emo https://bit.ly/3quGkup
Here are some updated graphics

Original post March 2020:
As I get ready to start remote learning, I have been looking for tools I can use to continue using Whole Brain Teaching. I am so excited to find a free tool https://scorecounter.com/ that allows you to create a digital Scoreboard! This site has a TON of premade scoreboards and allows you to save a custom scoreboard. I was able to load up WBT Avatars, that I use with ClassDojo for SuperImprover, to this blog to customize a WBT Scoreboard. I then saved that scoreboard and created a bitly link that everyone can use. http://bit.ly/wbtscore
My plan is to have this page on it's own, next to my main lesson page, while I teach. Another awesome tool I have used in the regular classroom that I think will help with remote video lessons is https://classroomscreen.com/
I am excited to try this digital scoreboard out and hope it will add class engagement as well as the in class scoreboard. Once we return to school, I plan to keep this page on my phone as a digital traveling Scoreboard. Please let me know if you are able to give it a try and how it works.
Visit https://www.instagram.com/wbtwithmrso/ for a video and the most current posts about Scoreboard and all things WBTwithMrsO
Distance Learning Scoreboard